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Benny Te


Born in Davao City, Philippines  1965

currently residing in Taipei City, Taiwan ROC


I got my first DSLR, a Canon 550d with 18-55 kit lens on February, 2011 as an anniversary gift from my wife.  All she wanted was for me to have a hobby.  however, from the moment i laid my hands on my new toy and took my 1st shot, I was bitten by a bug and i became a shutterbug  (sorry for the pun),  it was no longer a mere hobby, it became a burning feverish passion.   


At the age of 46 when i started DSLR photography, I can already be considered a latebloomer and yet as the old cliche goes "it is never too late to learn new tricks".  All it takes is an openmind, a willingness to learn, determination, patience, appreciation, fearless to make mistakes and be corrected  and of course, countless hours and numbers of shots.


Seeing people, objects and places from the viewpoint of a camera lens had changed my outlook on how I perceived things.  It exposed the uniqueness in the ordinary, it brought out the beauty in the imperfections and irregularities, it balanced out the different and at times chaotic elements into an orchestral and proportionate harmony, it depicted and immortalized a story of various emotions.


It is said that patience is a virtue and it was precisely what taking up DSLR photograpy had taught me, not to settle for mediocrity, but instead to patiently wait for the right moment and achieved  for the perfect shot.


So here i am, from my first Canon 550d to Full frame DSLR, from 18-55 kit lens to L lenses, from my first shot to innumerable shots, from nearby places to far-flung areas,  from shooting with a pack to shooting solo, I CAME, I SAW, I CAPTURED. 

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Taipei City, Taiwan

(886) 956522898

© Benny Te Photography collection

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